Über mich
Elternkurse für Euren Alltag mit Baby & Family
Join our exclusive Passive Income Business Community—your 1-stop hub for personal biz automation, product, sales, marketing, and tech support.
Über mich
Elternkurse für Euren Alltag mit Baby & Family
Join our exclusive Passive Income Business Community—your 1-stop hub for personal biz automation, product, sales, marketing, and tech support.
Elternkurs für Alltag mit Baby und Family
Familienleben ohne Perfektionsdruck -
Mehr Leichtigkeit im Alltag
Warum BE GOOD TOGETHER? Weil Elternsein mehr als eine Geburt ist!
Schon immer wusste ich: Eltern brauchen echte Unterstützung – nicht nur für die Geburt, sondern vor allem für die Zeit danach. Genau hier setzt meine Arbeit an!
Viele Eltern bereiten sich monatelang auf die Geburt vor, lesen Bücher, besuchen Kurse – aber was ist mit dem Leben danach? Plötzlich ist das Baby da und mit ihm tausend neue Fragen:

Wie verändert sich mein Alltag wirklich?
Was passiert mit meinem Körper im Wochenbett?
Wie bringe ich Haushalt, Baby & Geschwisterkinder unter einen Hut?
Was kann ich vorher organisieren – und was muss sich erst einspielen?
Genau für diese erste intensive Zeit mit Baby gibt es kaum Angebote – und deshalb habe ich BE GOOD TOGETHER gegründet!
Von der Kinderpflegerin zur Sozialpädagogin (B.A.) bis hin zur Mütterpflegerin & Babymassage-Kursleiterin – ich habe mich stetig weitergebildet, um Eltern mit praxisnaher Unterstützung, echten Lösungen & viel Herz zur Seite zu stehen.
Weil Familie Teamwork ist
Wissen allein reicht nicht – es muss greifbar, erlebbar und vor allem alltagstauglich sein. Genau deshalb gibt es BE GOOD TOGETHER:Hier findest du nicht nur wertvolle Kurse und Begleitung, sondern auch echte Einblicke, Inspiration und Tipps für dein Familienleben.
✨ Lies dich ein in meine Blog-Artikel und tauche ein in die Welt von BE GOOD TOGETHER.
✨ Lass dich inspirieren, hol dir alltagstaugliche Impulse und finde genau die Unterstützung, die du brauchst – für einen Familienalltag, der nicht perfekt, aber genau richtig für dich ist. 💛

About us
Stagnant Income?
Constantly Trading Time for Money?
Every business hits a plateau—you can’t sell to the same people forever. Finding new clients is exhausting, and scaling feels impossible without working more. Stuck in a 9-to-5 and want extra cash without extra work? You’re not alone!
Time for a new approach!
Imagine a 24/7 sales & marketing team hustling for you on—bringing in fresh leads and extra income while you’re playing with the kids, travelling the world, or finally having the time to work on that passion project you’ve been putting off.
That’s what a passive income system can do for you!
Don’t just take our word for it—see what others have achieved with out help!
Oh man, I can’t believe how much money I was leaving on the table before! [...]
Only when I started applying Katrin’s strategies and cleverly linking my online courses into automated sales processes did I begin making money without constantly showing up in Stories. [...]''
Oh man, I can’t believe how much money I was leaving on the table before! [...]
Only when I started applying Katrin’s strategies and cleverly linking my online courses into automated sales processes did I begin making money without constantly showing up in Stories. [...]''
Oh man, I can’t believe how much money I was leaving on the table before! [...]
Only when I started applying Katrin’s strategies and cleverly linking my online courses into automated sales processes did I begin making money without constantly showing up in Stories. [...]''

About us
Stagnant Income?
Constantly Trading Time for Money?
Every business hits a plateau—you can’t sell to the same people forever. Finding new clients is exhausting, and scaling feels impossible without working more. Stuck in a 9-to-5 and want extra cash without extra work? You’re not alone!
Time for a new approach!
Imagine a 24/7 sales & marketing team hustling for you on—bringing in fresh leads and extra income while you’re playing with the kids, travelling the world, or finally having the time to work on that passion project you’ve been putting off.
That’s what a passive income system can do for you!
Don’t just take our word for it—see what others have achieved with out help! ⤵️
Oh man, I can’t believe how much money I was leaving on the table before! [...]
Only when I started applying Katrin’s strategies and cleverly linking my online courses into automated sales processes did I begin making money without constantly showing up in Stories. [...]''
Oh man, I can’t believe how much money I was leaving on the table before! [...]
Only when I started applying Katrin’s strategies and cleverly linking my online courses into automated sales processes did I begin making money without constantly showing up in Stories. [...]''
Oh man, I can’t believe how much money I was leaving on the table before! [...]
Only when I started applying Katrin’s strategies and cleverly linking my online courses into automated sales processes did I begin making money without constantly showing up in Stories. [...]''
About us

Hold Up… ! Are You Actually in the Right Place?
- Are you a Business owner, Freelancer, Coach, Consultant, or 9-to-5 Expert dreaming of earning reliably—even when you're off the clock??
- Got skills, expertise, or a passion people actually want?
- Feel like the best-kept secret and ready to be seen?
- Know passive income is the move—but still stuck on the sidelines?
- Craving a proven system that builds sustainable income (without the burnout)?
If you're nodding along… guess what? You just found your people! 🎊
Hold Up… ! Are You Actually in the Right Place?
- Are you a Business owner, Freelancer, Coach, Consultant, or 9-to-5 Expert dreaming of earning reliably—even when you're off the clock??
- Got skills, expertise, or a passion people actually want?
- Feel like the best-kept secret and ready to be seen?
- Know passive income is the move—but still stuck on the sidelines?
- Craving a proven system that builds sustainable income (without the burnout)?
If you're nodding along… guess what? You just found your people! 🎊

About us
Our Journey to Passive Income & Automated Sales Mastery 🚀
About us
Our Journey to Passive Income & Automated Sales Mastery 🚀
Five Years In, One Truth:
The Right Strategy = Passive Income & Freedom!
About us

About us Ueber Uns Über Uns
Yes, it's all about the Strategy!
We realized we cracked the code in passive sales funnels and business automation since we earned €17,000 during a vacation—without lifting a finger.
These “Strategies‘ won’t work:
- Following advice from so-called online business or e-commerce "gurus" on passive sales funnels (it's a whole different ball game!).
- Randomly creating a digital product, wasting time and money (because you realize no one wants it!)
- Believing some random free tools will do the 'automation' job
- Thinking you can put in minimal effort for a week or two and then rake in cash (despite what social media tell you).
- Relying on hope and optimism that someone will save you.
To save you years of trial and error: Leverage our proven strategy!
Five Years In, One Truth:
The Right Strategy = Passive Income & Freedom!
About us Über uns
About us Ueber Uns Über Uns
Yes, it's all about the Strategy!
We realized we cracked the code in passive sales funnels and business automation since we earned €17,000 during a vacation—without lifting a finger.
These “Strategies‘ won’t work:
- Following advice from so-called online business or e-commerce "gurus" on passive sales funnels (it's a whole different ball game!).
- Randomly creating a digital product, wasting time and money (because you realize no one wants it!)
- Believing some random free tools will do the 'automation' job
- Thinking you can put in minimal effort for a week or two and then rake in cash (despite what social media tell you).
- Relying on hope and optimism that someone will save you.
To save you years of trial and error: Leverage our proven strategy!

Turn Your Expertise into sustainable Passive Income - The Smart Way!
Learn our MY NU WAYS Mini Product - Maxi Passive Profit Blueprint for long-term success.
About us Ueber Uns Über Uns
Phase 1
Craft your first digital product(s) with a game plan, map out your personal passive income success strategy, and strategically kickstart your first sales, email list and community!
Phase 2
Build unstoppable passive income funnels, automate your 24/7 sales & marketing, expand your digital product empire—and watch the cash flow roll in!
Phase 3
With your solid foundation in place, it’s time to scale your income—so you can reclaim your time, your freedom, and your life!
Sell your knowledge and expertise – not your time! Start here! ⬇️
Our Passive Income Business Blueprint is for everyone seeking to scale their income, escape the time trap, and secure their financial independence—without the constant grind or money worries.
🔥 It’s your shortcut booster to earning smart, not just working harder! Turn your knowledge and expertise into digital products that sell on autopilot. 💡 Create once, earn forever!
Turn Your Expertise into sustainable Passive Income - The Smart Way!
Learn our MY NU WAYS Mini Product - Maxi Passive Profit Blueprint for long-term success.
About us Ueber Uns Über Uns
Phase 1
Craft your first digital product(s) with a game plan, map out your personal passive income success strategy, and strategically kickstart your first sales, email list and community!
Phase 2
Build unstoppable passive income funnels, automate your 24/7 sales & marketing, expand your digital product empire—and watch the cash flow roll in!
Phase 3
With your solid foundation in place, it’s time to scale your income—so you can reclaim your time, your freedom, and your life!
Sell your knowledge and expertise – not your time! Start here! ⬇️
Our Passive Income Business Blueprint is for everyone seeking to scale their income, escape the time trap, and secure their financial independence—without the constant grind or money worries.
🔥 It’s your shortcut booster to earning smart, not just working harder! Turn your knowledge and expertise into digital products that sell on autopilot. 💡 Create once, earn long-term!

Are we vibing on this Passive Income Game?
About us Ueber Uns Über Uns
If you're here, you can probably feel it—we’re obsessed with building Passive income through digital products! But why?
- Because relying on ONE income stream is risky—whether it’s your job, client work, or an offline business. A single setback can shake your entire financial stability.
- Because without a digital business strategy and automation, hitting five- or six-figure earnings is an uphill battle.
But let’s be real—we’re not here to sell you fairy tales or ‘get-rich-quick’ nonsense. And no, we won’t tell you that passive income is the only thing you need to feel financially secure or work less.
We’ll show you what actually works—step by step, real-world tested.
💡 Done trading time for money? It’s time for financial freedom and security—starting now! ⬇️

Are we vibing on this Passive Income Game?
About us Ueber Uns Über Uns
If you're here, you can probably feel it—we’re obsessed with building Passive income through digital products! But why?
- Because relying on ONE income stream is risky—whether it’s your job, client work, or an offline business. A single setback can shake your entire financial stability.
- Because without a digital business strategy and automation, hitting five- or six-figure earnings is an uphill battle.
But let’s be real—we’re not here to sell you fairy tales or ‘get-rich-quick’ nonsense. And no, we won’t tell you that passive income is the only thing you need to feel financially secure or work less.
We’ll show you what actually works—step by step, real-world tested.
💡 Done trading time for money? It’s time for financial freedom and security—starting now! ⬇️